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Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Shrovetide Ride

Four brave Derby Rangers witnessed the first day of the Ashbourne Shrovetide football 'match', which turned out to be more of a free for all with very few, or no, rules attached.
It was a glorious morning; Peter and Shaun setting out from their homes, whilst Phil and I met up with them at Wyaston.
We arrived in Ashbourne at approx. 12.00 noon so having a couple of hours before 'kick off' or rather the 'throw in', we lunched at The Busy Bees Cafe - but where else would be go?
Feeling refreshed, we surged into the Shawcroft car park with rest of Ashbourne and many visitors from all over the Country, witnessing shops and building being boarded up and closing before the 2.00 pm start. All types of players were there from all kinds of backgrounds, mostly fuelled by some 'spirits' or other, with logos of Down'ards and Up'ards on their clothing.
Once the game commenced, it was very nerve wracking as we seemed to be in the middle of the action at one point with the ball surging towards us and heading into the Henmore Brook towards Mappleton. At which point, we decided to rescue our bikes before someone else did, which were still locked outside the Busy Bees Cafe.
A very enjoyed and exciting day out.

1 comment:

swaddywaddy said...

You always preferred to be 'In the thick of it' with Pete lookin out! Phil and I were to be found hanging back trying to make sense of what we were watching(as we often are at DCFC!)