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Friday, 15 July 2011

Path Closure

Further to John Swan's previous post here is a photograph of the problem.
The explanation is that a small hydro-electric power station is being built on the West bank of the River Derwent and this will provide power to the Council House which is currently being re-furbished. The blocked path is not a part of the NCN, but is (ie was) a useful link to NCN R6 which runs on the East bank of the river, from where the photo was taken. In the photograph, A is the site of the proposed building, B is the blocked path, and C is the recently completed Riverlights development. The Council House is just out of shot to the right of the picture, as is Exeter Bridge, which is the start of NCN Route 6. Cycle route diversions have not been signed in spite of protestations from Derby's cyclists. A suggested route via the bus station has been rejected, leaving the only other option as The Morledge, cross Traffic Street onto Siddals Road and re-join R6 at Five Arch Bridge. Not a route for the faint hearted!


BirdyRed said...

To get to the blockage one either has to follow the new path from the Morledge alongside the Court Building or to have descended the steps from Exeter Bridge. So why not cross Exeter Bridge to R6, past the Bus Depot and Newspaper offices thence over the bridge to Bass' Rec?

iain1775 said...

I must not be feint of heart then as I've been taking the morledge siddals road route twice each day for last 3 weeks on commute to work