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Sunday, 3 July 2011

Item taken from Derby and Sandiacre Canal Soc. magazine "The Packet" July 2011

Artists impression of the new Longhorse Bridge
This is a copy of a British Waterways Press Release in the Magazine of the Derby and Sandiacre Canal Society July 2011


Les Sims said...

I don't imagine that many canal boats are drawn by horses these days.

Les Sims said...

Picture added.
Sorry for the poor quality image.

BirdyRed said...

I'm confused. Are there going to be 2 bridges there? Why is construction delayed - wont the vegetation have grown again by
There are a growing number of horse drawn barges being re-introduced. They are operating short distance trips as a Tourist Attraction.

Trexrider said...

"They are operating short distance trips as a Tourist Attraction."
Ah theres money to be made here. Mavis where's that horse? Les, construct a barge ASAP. call it "the Ranger"

Anonymous said...

Sure we could find a horse, getting there is more of a problem. Not much call for horse drawn vehicles along the Radbourne Brook or John Port Lake though.