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Saturday, 4 June 2011

Sustran's barbecue on Breadsall Greenway station site 4th June 2011

The new metal fencing annoyed someone going by the graffiti!

 The Sustrans Battle Wagon
 All hands to the pumps at the preparation stage
 Getting there.
 Our four chefs in action
 Les returning from inspection of the new fencing.

 The 'first footers' in sight.
 Pondering whether to continue to the A608 bridge or not.

 The brains discussing strategy.

 A lull in the proceedings.
 Setting off for the return to Derby 1
 and 3.

And the last family group set off for Derby.


Anonymous said...

A full photographic and step by step account of the day John.

Ian said...

Thanks to all the chefs and gazebo constructors for another really well organised barbecue. Also thanks to Steve for bringing up the rear on the ride - I'd have really struggled without him.

Now for Mickleover!