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Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Hicks Lodge Opening Day

Signs to show you the way-otherwise its easy to get very lost!

Riders of all ages enjoying the trails
Your friendly cycling guide to prop up the post!

View of Hicks Lodge (where have all the people gone? - who's that posing for camera!)
Not use to pedalling with our arms meant going up the slope was hard!

This one was fun fixed wheel meant keep pedalling!

You steer... no you steer..no after you!
Ahm How did I get into this?

Les, Kay and I went along to what was a very successful opening day at the new National Forest Family Cycle Centre at Hicks Lodge near Moira. We got a chance to ride on some very interesting bikes and I even got roped into a publicity shot for cycling projects-making cycling accessible for all , hence the wheelchair.

I can happily report I am still able to walk and cycle a regular bike after my week of meteorological nightmares in Ireland! The weather in Ireland by the way is apparently sunny and as warm as Ibiza today-would you adam and eve it!

Everyone should try and join Les for the ride to Hicks Lodge next week and try the trails...there're great!

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