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Tuesday, 19 April 2011

A survey on the Breadsall Greenway this morning revealed several occasions of damage to the fittings and furniture at the Windmill Bridleway in particular. The chain holding the padlock at the eastern gate had been cut through. I managed to secure enough chain to relock the gate. Several long bolts and their corresponding nuts had been removed at the horse steps. One horse step missing completely. Previously damaged and replaced fencing at the FP from Breadsall Hilltop was again missing. Minor graffiti on the seat at the A608 bridge. Not a happy morning all told!


Trexrider said...

You must take this up with the local school, the spelling is atrocious .

Ian said...

I've reported the missing horse step to Erewash Council (no response yet but they know about it). The only obvious purpose for the horse step removal and the chain cutting through that I can think of is to allow access to the Greenway for motorbikes. Anyone got any other idea why this damage might have been done?

Unknown said...

A quick early (06.45)ride up this morning to check things. No further damage or graffiti. A few rabbits. Three dog walkers and many wood pigeons! I have notified Russel Crookes, the local Erewash bobby about the situation, and he said that they would increase their patrols there.

Phil Slowranger Harris said...

Obviously well educated yobs - a 4 letter and 3 letter word both spelt incorrectly!!