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Thursday, 30 September 2021


 Nest Thursday, October 7th, being the first Thursday in the month, is of course the Rangers Lunch at Don Amott's Café, Hilton.

Meet 12.30 - 1.00   All welcome.


BirdyRed said...

Did it go ahead? Who was there? If all goes well with my recovery I could be out for a December meet (but probably not on the bike) Is it likely that there will be a Christmas "Do"?

Longranger said...

Although there were six absentees, there were eight of us there and the weather was still good enough to sit outside.
No mention yet of a Christmas event.


BirdyRed said...

I had miscounted the number of days between my clinic check up and the November meet on 4th. If all continues to go well I will try to get to Hilton on that date.