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Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Café Meetings at Don Amott's

The former café meetings are restarting this Thursday, September 3rd at Don Amott's Café, Hilton.  Meet from 12.30 - 1 o'clock.  There are some well-spaced tables indoors and plenty of outside seats.

Eileen is looking forward to seeing us.


BirdyRed said...

Hi, all

I had stopped regularly looking at this blog since it had had no updates since last year (until recently). Sadly, therefore, I missed the meet on 3/9 as I did not see LongRanger's two notes until today (8/9). I will endeavour to be there on 1/10 - or will it be 8/10?
I look forward to seeing you all.
(FitterRanger) - since the world as we knew it ended on 23/3 I have cycled over 3000km, mostly on the Mountain bike.

BirdyRed said...

Hello again,

I am reading the news that, as of Monday 14th September, groups of more than 6 people will not be able to gather anywhere (except schools and workplaces). This may affect the Hilton cafe meet ups.


littleranger said...

Wow that's an impressive amount Peter!
I do not do that amount by car each year!
Sorry to miss seeing you plus Anne at Don Amotts as
we had a very pleasant lunchtime gathering.
Watch this space for the next meeting. It changes
day by day!
Keep safe.

Longranger said...

Hello Peter,
I will have a word with Eileen on my next visit, to find out what the new arrangements will be. We may be OK as long as we don't all sit at one table!


Longranger said...

I've spoken to Eileen at Don Amott's Café and she is happy for the monthly lunches to continue, provided all current protocols are adhered to on social distancing and the 'rule of six'.

All current and ex-rangers are welcome, including wives, partners, girlfriends etc. Meet at 12.30 - 1 pm. Note: there is currently limited indoor seating in case of inclement weather.

A similar message has been posted on the Facebook page.

BirdyRed said...

I'm assuming 1st October unless I hear differently.

I looked at the current English ruling and the table of permissions say up tp 6 from different households may meet outdoors (or indoors). We could, therefore, be in breach of the regulations if too many of us gather. However, the guidelines go on to define "mingling";

The guidelines for England refer to times when "mingling" could break the rules. It says "there can be multiple groups of six people in a place, provided that those groups do not mingle".
If you are at a pub, restaurant or other venue, you should "avoid mingling with anyone outside the group you are with, even if you see other people you know".

So as long as we sit in socially distanced groups of 6 and don't mingle we are OK.

Longranger said...

We will need to appoint a "Mingle Monitor"

littleranger said...

We plus maybe Phil and Sue Harris, will meet at Don Amotts today approx. 1.30 p.m as we have to pay our respects to a good friend whose funeral it is today which leaves the church at 1.00 p.m.

BirdyRed said...

Good to see those who were at the meet on 1/10. Can someone please say if there is to be a further meet up on 5th November? I have not (and never will have) a Facebook account.

BirdyRed said...

The raising of the retsriction level in Derbyshire has put paid to our possible November meet and is likely to also affect any idea there may have been for a Christmas lunch. I wish everyone continued safety and look forward to a meet sometime in the future.

Longranger said...

Late news - sorry, I've only just been there this morning.
Don Amott's Café is closed for the lockdown i.e. no takeaways at the door.