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Friday, 29 November 2019

Notice of Site Works

Warning notices have appeared on the Mickleover Greenway, concerning work to renew farm crossing gates south of Mickleover and alter entrances at Ashe Lane and the Etwall Bypass underpass.  Work was due to commence on November 27th and last two weeks.

As at Friday afternoon on the 29th, no progress was seen.


Longranger said...

Some progress seen today, Thursday 5th. The gate and barrier have been removed on the Mickleover side of the A516 underpass.

Longranger said...

Progress report:

All new main gates at the crossings and one new side gate at Bannell's. All gates fitted with new latches, with locks on main gates.

No changes (yet?) on the Etwall side, but major changes on the north side of the A516 bridge. The whole area by the red junction sign has been levelled and opened out, which is a big improvement.

Anonymous said...

The new gates are great, but unfortunately at the moment the new metal latches are a great places to potentially transfer contamination amongst the increased numbers of people taking their daily exercise down there. A lot of people have taken to leaving the gates open to reduce touch points. It goes against my instinct, having had the Country Code drilled in to me from an early age, but seems to make sense at present. There's no livestock in the adjacent fields, and the farmers could close the gates on the very rare occasions they need to cross the track. Since time and money was spent replacing the gates recently, is there an explanation of why they need to remain closed all the time please?

Unfortunately this morning I found that some idiot has put up aggressively worded fake posters on the gates ordering people to close the gates or we will lose the use of the track. They're stupid enough to have added the Derby City Council logo at the top, even though the gates aren't on DCC land! Would it be possible to get some official Sustrans posters politely asking people to close the gates and reminding them to anti-bac their hands afterwards pleasr? Bit concerned that if this moron feels so strongly about the issue that they spend the time creating fake posters, they might go more extreme and chain/padlock the gates in future. Can't afford to block access to this much-needed safe open space.

Longranger said...

When the "Mickleover Greenway" was an active railway, there were farm crossings where the current gates are situated. When the railway was converted to its current use, the farmers wanted the gates across the track. Although most of them are rarely used, Bearwardcote crossing is in regular use during the summer for cattle and vehicle access.

The authority for the Mickleover Greenway is Derbyshire County Council Countryside Services.

There has always been a significant minority who leave gates open.