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Saturday, 29 June 2019

Latest News on Local Routes

More good news about the progress on improvements to our cycle paths here in Derby.
Work has started to construct a new all weather multi-user path through Darley Park alongside the River Derwent.  Apart from the obvious local benefit, this path marks the Southern end of the Derwent Valley Cycleway, which eventually will run all the way to Matlock, where it will join with the White Peak Loop.
Completion of the Darley Park path is likely in Autumn 2019.

On the right is the original desire line footpath.  The new path will be closer to the river and not straight, so much more attractive as well as more practical.

Also (below) the improvements to NCN Route 54 on Alfreton Road are now complete, making this path 100% safer for cyclists.

Sadly this cyclist does not use it, preferring to take his chance in the traffic.  The following driver will have to cross the double white line or perform a "Close Pass" to overtake him.  Both will come to a halt when arriving at the A38 roundabout ahead where there is a long queue of vehicles at the traffic lights.

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