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Sunday, 2 April 2017

Rangers Meeting 27th April 2017

Notes from meeting

Notes from Derby Sustrans Group Meeting

27th March 2017 7pm

The Golden Eagle, Agard Street, Derby


Martin Aldred, Mavis Ratcliffe, Ian Dent, Les Sims, Dave Clasby, Dan Robertson


Peter Ford, Steve Adams, Jerry Evans

Group Roles & Structure

The following people were identified as currently holding the following roles:

Ride Leader – Ian Dent
Signing Champion – Peter Ford
Wildlife Champions – Ed Derby, Esther Cranston, Jo Sheldon

Volunteers are sought for other roles highlighted in the proposed structure that was circulated with the agenda, namely Event Co-ordinator, more Ride Leaders, and Task Days Co-ordinator.

C Selden asked how the condition of the routes in Derby were monitored and suggested that each ranger took responsibility for checking a route near to them or which they used regularly. The rangers would then report back any issues to the Group Co-ordinator and Task Days could be organised to rectify any problems. The following routes and people who could inspect on a monthly basis are:

Route 6 from Derby City Centre to Long Eaton – Christine Selden
Breadsall Greenway –
Route 54 to Longford –
Mickleover Greenway – Mavis Ratcliffe
Route 549 –

Action: Rangers to contact C Selden with the route(s) that they can inspect regularly


Les Sims has agreed to keep updating the blog and this will continue to be the main method of external communication. There has been some difficulty in keeping email lists up to date so C Selden will set up a closed Facebook Group for those Rangers who prefer to keep up to date by social media.

Action: C Selden to set up Derby Sustrans Facebook Group


Several future task days were identified:

Signing of Route 66: This would potentially take 4 days with a maximum of 3 people. Day 1 inspection of the North Side, Day 2 signing, Day 3 inspection of the South Side, Day 4 signing

Bench Painting & Repair: Mickleover Greenway and Breadsall Greenway

Graffiti Removal: A516 underpass at Etwall. M Ratcliffe to organise a date

Glow Worm Count on the Mickleover Greenway: this will take place on Wednesday 28th June, starting at 10.30pm and Mickleover and Etwall

Milepost Painting: All 5 posts in the Derby area need painting. Dan suggested that 1 or 2 be chosen for Pat, an artist volunteering with Sustrans, to come along & paint. This would be accompanied by a stall where Rangers can talk to passing members of the public. Alvaston Park and Darley Park were identified as the 2 most suitable mileposts.

Actions: D Robertson to contact Pat with the suggested locations and firm up some dates. M Ratcliffe to organise a date for graffiti removal. M Aldred to organise the Glow Worm count. All Rangers: volunteers needed for the signing of Route 66 and bench painting & repair


D Clasby spoke about a proposed ride for 18th June. The Big Lunch ride will take place on the last Saturday of National Bike Week and will also fall in National Clean Air Week. The Big Lunch this year will be a tribute to Jo Cox, and Dave has already had confirmation of attendance from Amanda Solloway MP, former MP Chris Williamson, and Ranjit Banwait, and the Liberal Democrats, UKIP and the Green Party will have representatives. The themes of the ride will be ‘Diversity, Democracy, Cycling, Clean Air & Food.’ Local Faith Groups and the British Red Cross have already agreed to promote the ride. The ride will start at the Council House and will proceed along the riverside path to Elvaston Castle for lunch and then follow the same route back. Dave has asked that the Derby Rangers provide marshals for the day, ride leaders (if qualified) and promote the ride.

Action: Rangers to contact C Selden if they can help with the ride

In addition to The Big Lunch ride, it was suggested that Rangers Rides be organised to the County Show at Locko Park on the 25th June, and to the Elvaston Steam Rally on 1st July.

Dan also asked if the group could support the White Peak group at ‘Belper Goes Green’ on the week-end of the 3rd & 4th June.

It was agreed that an Events Leader needed to be sourced from the group and an audit of the events kit in the trailer needed to be made. The group could then be more proactive in attending local events such as ‘The Big One’ in Chaddesden Park and Etwall Well-dressing to promote Sustrans

Action: Rangers to contact C Selden if they can attend ‘Belper Goes Green’ and/or if they wished to be involved with Events.


Dan will be organising training in the forthcoming months on the following topics:

Organising Task Days
Ride Leaders
Talking to people at events
Habitat surveying


Les Sims suggested that bird boxes needed replacing

The next social lunch will be on Thursday 6th April 12.30pm at Don Amott’s cafĂ©, Hilton

Next Meeting: 24th April 2017 7pm, Golden Eagle Pub, Agard Street, Derby

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