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Monday 30 January 2012

20's Plenty

Recent changes to the legislation governing signing on highways make it much easier to change local traffic speed limits, since the signing can be painted on the road surface instead of being supported on expensive metal posts.
There is a fast gathering tide of public opinion pressing for residential streets to have a speed limit of 20mph.
This would bring about a sea change in road safety at very little cost and as cyclists we have much to benefit from this, as have pedestrians, children and domestic animals.

Some motorists, especially those who will not slow down for anything, will object to this, but in fact it would not be unenforceable, nor would it make much difference to overall journey times.

Take a look at the campaign's web site to read  the case for the proposal, and the counter arguments against objections.

On this site you will find a link to an interactive map which pinpoints, with some detail, the site of road accidents, including the type of road user involved, how serious were the injuries and even the age of the victim!
It also illustrates how much safer we cyclists are when riding well  away from these blackspots.

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