Please find a link to an article in the latest edition of the BW magazine, Waterscape.
This only applies to Rangers who have mobile phones!!
Presumably the Assessing and Approving referred to in the third para was done by "our good friends from Cycle City Guides".
Not only do the Rangers need a mobile phone but it must be an iPhone.
"normal" mobile phones won't support the app and Sustrans haven't written the code to work on Android phones (the market leaders!).
It also works on an iPad. No connection charge if you can find a cafe (or train) with free WiFi
Has Apple brought out a device to clip an iPhone to handlebars yet? If so, how long is the battery likely to last if used for navigation?
The app has only been possible due to the nationwide survey that was carried out by City Cycle Guides, I accompanied one of their surveyors when it was happening and the data submitted was very comprehensive.
Apple generally doesn't release accessories, they put all their effort into the hard/software and let others do the accessories, and use it is possible to get a handlebar holder from Dahon and dynamo charger. It's also possible to get battery back up systems too.
Ian Android users will be served also soon after the ios app release.
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