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Saturday, 28 May 2011

Burnaston House rebuild plans ONCE AGAIN!

Mavis sent a message this morning re the following. Burnaston House rebuild.

Planning went in on 27th April 2011 and responses are due by 23rd July 2011.



Anonymous said...

is it me or is that application riddled with mistakes?
- house is listed as 4 bed, plans show 5 bedrooms plus 2 in housekeepers quarters = 7
- says one house to be built but housekeepers quarters are clearly seperate, so could possibly be classed as 2 properties
- says 9 existing car parking spaces will be removed and none proposed, this is surely wrong way round?
- says no employees but drawings clearly show gardeners and housekeepers facilities indicating at least 2 people will be employed

Thats before going into any of the detail about the site

Unknown said...

I have sent off my observations today re the access to the planing site.