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Monday 1 November 2010

Signing Ride in Derby

Led by our Signing Guru, Peter Ford, five Derby Rangers were out today completing the signing of the Derby Ring Route (NCN RR66). Most of the 26 mile route has been signed by Derby City Council but the whole route needed auditing and the completion of signing as part of the National Cycle Network.
The ride was perfectly timed such that we arrived at Morrisons Cafe for a well earned lunch at about 12.30pm.
Pictures show the team at work solving some of the difficulties.
Signing on the bridge across the A52 trunk road required some thought as there were no flat surfaces big enough, but the solution was for it to be done from above with Martin directing Peter, who could not see what he was doing.
We found that the path leading to the crossing of Acorn Way had a "No Cycling" sign on it, although it is part of the route. Clarification required here from DCC.
Other photos show Martin, Steve and Mavis helping Peter to affix the new signs, and in the top picture ascending the steps of the pedestrian bridge over the A52 at Spondon.

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