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Friday 1 October 2010

Volunteer Required

We have been asked to carry a survey of cycle parking facilities in Derby.
Would a Derby Ranger like to take this on?
The job can be done by one person at any time, so might suit someone who cannot easily get along to other Ranger activities.

The survey would initially cover Derby City Council facilities, but could go on to include commercial provision. Two examples - superb cycle parking at B&Q on Osmaston Park Road, where there is room for lots of bikes under cover and close to the entrance, yet very poor provision at Tesco in Mickleover where they have room for three bikes outside and away from the entrance.

Mail to sustransranger@ymail.com (in the first instance) if you would like to take this on.


BirdyRed said...

Who has asked, and why?

Les Sims said...

Derby City Council.
They do not have the capacity to do it themselves and are likley to get a better result from a competent volunteer, as with the survey of R66.